Unit 1 How tall are you Part B Let's learn英语教学课件 英语基础 • 2个月前 (01-06) Unit1Howtallareyou?PartBLetslearn LetsplayImaboy.ImMissWei!ImaChineset... 阅读 9 次 UnitlearnLetHowPart
Unit 1 How tall are you Part B Let's learn & Match and say(课件)-六年级英语下学期(人教PEP版) 英语基础 • 3个月前 (12-16) Unit1Howtallareyou? PartB LetslearnMatchandsay ;Lookandcompare;Lookand... 阅读 14 次 PEPPartLetHowMatch
Unit 1 How tall are you Part A Let's learn & Do a survey and report(课件)-六年级英语下学期(人教PEP版) 英语基础 • 3个月前 (12-16) Unit1Howtallareyou?PartALetslearnDoasurveyandreport Warm-up Letslearn... 阅读 14 次 PEPPartHowDoLet
Unit 1 How tall are you Part A Let's try & Let's talk(课件)-六年级英语下学期(人教PEP版) 英语基础 • 3个月前 (12-16) Unit1Howtallareyou? PartA LetstryLetstalk ;Mainscene;Revision;Guess,wh... 阅读 12 次 LetPartUnitHowPEP
初中英语Unit 2 How often do you exercise_ Section A (2a~2c)课件 初中教育 • 5个月前 (10-23) SectionA(2a~2c)Unit2Howoftendoyouexercise? 学习目标1.能掌握once,twiceaweek等频率... 阅读 12 次 初中英语SectionexerciseHowUnit
Unit1 How can I get there B let's learn and talk 课件 人教PEP英语六年级上册 英语基础 • 6个月前 (08-31) HowcanIgetthere?PartBLet’slearntalk(WhereistheItalianrestaurant?)六年级英语... 阅读 8 次 learnletPEPHowUnit1
Unit1 How can I get there A let's learn 课件 人教PEP英语六年级上册 英语基础 • 6个月前 (08-31) Pep六年级上册Unit1HowcanIgetthere?PartALet’slearn(Placesaroundus) Look,wher... 阅读 8 次 learnletPEPHowUnit1
Unit1 How can I get there B read and write 课件 人教PEP英语六年级上册 英语基础 • 6个月前 (08-31) Unit1HowcanIgetthere?Breadandwrite(HowcanwegettotheItalianrestaurant?)... 阅读 6 次 readwritePEPHowUnit1
Unit 3 Lesson 3 How can we keep healthy (课件)鲁科版(五四学制) (三起)英语五年级下册 小学课件 • 7个月前 (08-26) 鲁科版英语五年级下册Unit3Lesson3Howcanwekeephealthy? EnjoythesongAnappleadaykeep... 阅读 6 次 healthyLessonHowUnit课件
小学六年级上学期英语《六年级上册Unit 6 How do you fee》教学课件 第一课时 英语基础 • 7个月前 (08-21) Unit6Howdoyoufeel?lesson1Feelings GoodLearningHabits学习好习惯1.学习用品准备齐;2.勤... 阅读 7 次 UnitHowfee课件课时
2024年人教版(PEP)三年级英语下册Unit 6 How many Part B let's talk课 课件 英语学习 • 9个月前 (06-11) Unit6Howmany Bletstalk;What’sthis?It’sa…;What’sthis?It’san…;What’sthis... 阅读 8 次 UnitletPEPHowPart
2024年人教版(PEP)三年级英语下册Unit 6 How many Part B let's talk课 课件 (2) 英语学习 • 9个月前 (06-11) Unit6Howmany Bletstalk;What’sthis?It’sa…;What’sthis?It’san…;What’sthis... 阅读 8 次 UnitletPEPHowPart
省级优秀课件人教版初中英语七年级下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip Section B (3a-Self Check) 中学课件 • 9个月前 (06-10) ;Learningobjectives;Helen’strip;Jim’strip;Thetime;LookatthepicturesofB... 阅读 8 次 初中英语HowSelfUnitCheck